Becoming a professional organizer was an opportunity that was created for me, really!

How did I become a Professional Organizer?
This is the question I’m asked most often when people find out what I do for a living. There’s really no concise answer but it’s a story that’s fun to tell, so here goes. It all started in 2005 when I became a disenchanted art consultant at a blue-chip art gallery in Los Angeles. When I disclosed to my most devoted client that I was retiring from the art business (and stepping down as the associate director of the well-known gallery), she proposed that I help her organize her home while I work on deciding what my next career move would be. I was noticeably taken aback, but she explained that since I had such an “organized approach” to working with my clients (by streamlining purchases, arranging home shows, procuring artwork from fine art auctions, etc.), I would likely have talent organizing physical spaces as well. It turned out her insight was spot on. I worked with her part-time for several years, with projects ranging from: clearing out bedrooms that became storage rooms in her large home; organizing a garage that contained countless rows of boxes stacked from floor to ceiling; and designing new, more realistic systems that facilitated effective workflow in her Downtown L.A. corporate office.

Spaces Transformed, established in 2011
My company was created several years after I worked as a personal organizer for the Los Angeles business executive. In 2011 I moved to the east coast and after I discovered an established professional organizing industry had existed since the 1980s (thank you, @NAPO), I launched my own business. Spaces Transformed was created with the intention of empowering people to simplify their lives, and in the process to be transformed from the inside out. After transforming countless spaces with my clients in Philadelphia, my business was expanded to New York City in 2017. Currently I have client bases in Philadelphia & New York City, and I’m honored to be able to serve clients in two of my favorite east coast cities!
Often I’m asked what sets me apart from other Pro Organizers. To put it simply, it’s my systematic approach to problem solving. I have spent many years developing myself into a coach who can guide my clients to a new state of order and serenity. My ability to help people replace obsolete and dysfunctional systems in their homes & offices has been developed during my professional journey, which includes:
- attaining a Master’s Degree in Organizational Psychology, specializing in Systems Analysis and Organizational Development;
- participating in diverse trainings at annual NAPO (National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals) Conferences;
- attending on-trend trainings and seminars hosted at the NAPO chapters and other professional groups.
In 2023 a significant distinction reinforced my dedication to offer the highest level of service I’m capable of. At the NAPO Conference, I was honored to be granted the President’s Award for my distinctive leadership and contributions. As a long-term NAPO volunteer, I held the national role as Co-Chair of the Education Advisory Committee. Prior to that, I served on the Board of Directors for the NYC and Philadelphia NAPO chapters.
NAPO President’s Award Recipient
In 2023 a significant distinction reinforced my dedication to offer the highest level of service I’m capable of delivering. At the NAPO Conference that year, I was granted the President’s Award for my distinctive leadership and contributions to the Professional Organizing industry. As a long-term NAPO volunteer, I held the national role as Co-Chair of the Education Advisory Committee at the time I received this award. Prior to that, I served on the Board of Directors for the NYC and Philadelphia NAPO chapters. I am honored to be one of the few Pro Organizers in the U.S. that have been distinguished with this honor.
Now with over 15 years of experience in my field and a diverse and robust eduction, I’m more excited than ever to help Philadelphians and New Yorkers bring order to their lives…and in turn achieve lasting peace of mind!
Now with over 15 years of experience in my field, I’m more excited than ever to help clients in both Philadelphia and New York bring order to their lives…and in turn achieve lasting peace of mind!